Second India Tour: 28 September - 13 October

This October, starting next week, we will be touring India again, visiting in total 12 universities in five different cities, from North to South. We start our trip in Ahmedabad where we are setting up a philanthropic project. Next, we will be going to Pune, Kochi, Jalendar and Bangalore. The trip is all about freedom of choice and the sustainability of Free and Open Source Software. We are building long-term relationships with Universities to prepare their students for the paradigm shift from proprietary software to #foss software. In our unique concept, OS-SCi creates projects in which students work together with professional open source developers on real projects, building on their own repository, while delivering free and open source software to the community. Because in the coming two weeks we are quite busy, we will not write any blogs or newsletters but will do some postings on our different channels

in Reis
Ubuntu Touch is going to conquer the world